Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Almost There

So, I'm almost at the end of the first book, The Shining, for those of you who forgot. I want to talk about style for a second. So as Mrs. Clapp said, King isn't exactly famous for his stylistic techinque, yet I feel that there is one important aspect that i should adress as far as his style goes-that of his ability to foreshadow. Now granted, some of his foreshadowing is rather obvious, but some of it is also to a point, subtle.

In the beginning of the novel Danny has his vision about the chase/murder that will occur at the end of the book. At first, we don't know who it is that is going to commit this crime
we just now it will be BAD. In this way the reader is hooked. We are constantly looking for its actaul occurance, and unitl it happens, as a reader i can't let it go. It stays in my mind and keeps me on my toes. Because I know it'll be coming I'm going mad waiting for it! it'll probally be the pinnacle of the story, ultimate climatic moment, and i can't wait.

[later on] okay i saved that post, and now I've come back to it. I finished the book, and in retrospect, that scene was everything i wanted it to be. Jack went mad and almost killed Danny and it was definilty the ultimate climax of the story. Because i'd been waiting for it for so long and it was finally delivered the intensity was even greater. And i wasn't dissapointed, it was an awesome scene :)

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