Monday, January 21, 2008


Wow. it's been so long since my last blog! Ah, i'm so lazy. Okay so yah, forget the turning of the screw-for now. I had to return it to the library and had to pay LOTs of money to return it, so I'm gunna wait awhile before i try to rent it again. But in the meantime. I've been reading " All that lives" by Melissa Sanders-self (the book Michelle donated in the yankee christmas swap-so thanks to her) and it's a novel about the Bell Witch. Okay, so the premisis of this story is that there is a young girl named Betsy Bell, and it begins in 1815. She is tortured by this spirit thing, and at the beginning (i've aleady finshed it) the book was super scary. The sprit makes these crazy howling noises and shakes her bed. And every night it wakes her up and scares the poop out of her. And her brothers can hear it too, so they call for thier dad and he comes and lights the candles, when everything gets lit up, the noises stop. The spirit does this for a while, but then it proceeds to get more and more violent. Soon it starts to shake her bed and pull at her hair. And it gets more and more violent until it literally takes possesion of the house. Then it can speak and interact with the family, so for a few more years it goes on haunting the Bell family. Except in an annoying bratty kind of, not so much with the scaryness. So a couple of things i'm gunna be focusing on with this book are-themes, style, common traits between this and the "shining" and the part of "turn of the screw" that i read. so I'll get back soon with a more indepth and basically better blog.


cristinan said...

Wow, that is really scary. There must be a reason why the spirit was haunting her though right? Was the house said to be haunted or the spirit picked a name out of a hat of whom it was going to haunt and it ended up being hers?

Which brings me to another question..when thngs like this reallt do happen; when spirits hant people...what is th reason behind it?

thatbeGen said...

Well, as far as I can tell so far, there can be a couple.
1. the person kind of asks for it-such as they call the being or they are "evil" in some sense, almost as in they deserve it.

2. As in, this case, the person being haunted for some reason attracts the spirits, either they just have a strong "energy" liek an innocence or weakness, and the being will prey on them because they are easy conduits, easy to work through or control.

3. Finally, sometimes a 'haunting' will result form a spirit knowing the person its haunting and now its trying to finish its biz.