Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Movie Night

So here's the deal, as we all know, or not, depending on your level of loserness we are have been submerged in the ABC's 13 nights of Halloween for about...11 days? Anyway, I am totally not ashmaed to say that I have watched it a couple times. I've watched two movies, while kind of. I've watched "It" by Stephen King, "Poltergiest" (Speilberg) and parts of the semi-new "Boogy-Man" and they managed to intertwine with my independent reading blog very nicely. We all know the basic story outlines of each, so I'm gunna jump right into it.
So, "It" first, scary movie? hell yea. This is actaully the second time I've watched it in full, and I'm a good deal older now. In fact, while I watched the movie, I was hardly scared. I understood the basic plot outlines and what would happen to the children/adults in the movie. So I thought I was fine. The next morning, I go to take a shower- can't stop staring at the drain waiting. IT moves through the sewers in the town of Derry, in fact there is an actual scene where IT comes out of a shower drain and starts talking to the little kid- so yah, needless to say I took a really fast shower.
With Poltergeist, I was more intruigued than scared. This was the first time I'd seen the movie and was generally just "Eh.." overall the movie was great, plot, characters and what nots. But I just wasn't scared.
Finally, Boogey Man, I only watched parts of this movie so I'm not exactly postitive of what happpened, but the parts I did see really shook me. I caught it at the end, where his girlfriend gets kidnapped and what nots. And there is a closet-in my bathroom. So I'm taking a shower, and I'm afraid IT is gunna come out of the drain and tag team with the B.M that has come out of my closet and together they are going to eat me alive. It was very scary.
Now, I KNEW they were just movies, at parts I even laughed, when they were over, I crawled in my bed and fell asleep-yet i was still scared, unconsiously. So here is my main question again, what scares us, and why do we want/allow ourselves to get scared.
So as I stated before, and JWong agreed, its when the everyday, the safe are questioned- a Shower, nice, relaxing part of the day. Yet here I was scared out of my mind and couldn't wait to get out. As far as the Why? goes, hmmm. Based on what I've seen so far, it's as if I crave the feeling of watching my back, of being surprised, because really the movie is scarier the more it makes you jump and go "AH" it was also like some kind of act for me. It was like I was facing my fears and coming out the other end better, which in a lame sense is true. I had seen the movie, lived through the night-after, and come out unscathed. So now, whenever I watch that movie again I won't be scared, so I had really faced myself, in a weird kind of pathetic way. I wouldn't be scared the same way twice, it's like when a rower trains all hard core for a race two months away, so that when that race comes up he is ready for anything. So too, would I be ready for any scary movie, unless it's "Jeepers Creepers" cause that one gets me everytime.


rEireiLOLs said...

I didn't think any of those movies were very scary. Lately scary movies are more about the gruesomeness of the blood and killings.

thatbeGen said...

True, maybe I'm just a baby. I hate it when they have the things jumping out at you. Actually...you just have me another great idea-why do certain things scare one person yet not scare 20 others.....? hmmm. Much love for that one, thanks Rei.

rEireiLOLs said...

I think because certain people have bigger imaginations or different types of imaginations. I mean I mostly get scared when things pop out at me and say BOO sort of thing! Like last night I was watching Halloween [horrible movie] and I got scared as crazy when the guy comes breaking through the window...after he's been shot like twenty times and stabbed.

I'm thinking that the 20 people who get scared is because they THINK so much about it. Like...in The Grudge, when Sarah Michelle is showering and hands come out of her head, people think it's scary because pyhschologically they're imagining it happening to them. Therefore, somethings that scare one person might not scare the next.

Anonymous said...

Gen, your blogs are as long as mine! I'll read this later! haha. <3

Peggy O3 said...

Hey, it peggy. talking on the phone and blogging to you. Email is Piggies128@yahoo.com.

Add me!!!

cristinan said...

Haha. Great post.

Personally ever since I watched "it" I am now deathly afraid of clowns, and it's because something normal and what's supposed to be entertaining to young children is twisted into this horrific illusion. That's the job of these movie producers who come up with horror films; to come up with mind-twisting, horrifying scenes and characters that make the audience feel that evedyday life isnt safe, which it isnt anyway but you always feel that someone is lurking in the dark behind you..gotta hand it to those damn producers.