Sunday, March 30, 2008


Okay, so I'm finally going back to my reading of Turn of The Screw, took out of the library again, and hopefully it goes better this time.

So for now I want to look at this, this is a criticism of the book:
"In this blood-curdling story, that imagination weaves the lives of two children, a governess in love with her employer, and a sprawling country house into a flawless story, still unsurpassed as the prototype of modern horror fiction."

that was from Google books-reviews. so anyway, I loved this one because it describes it as "blood-curling" but i guess I'll judge that for you. also the talk of imagination, this hints to be that it explores the caverns of our minds and plucks out the scariest images and delivers them and creates a universal fear we can share with the characters. It's also the marker for the "modern horror fiction" so I'll have to look at how it might have influenced the two books I've read. and finally they praised his style, though i didn't copy that part. So hopefully I'll get some good passages to explicate and truly dissect how he creates the fear.

So yah, those are my goals for this book. Leave a comment if you think i should focus on anything else. Thanks.

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