Sunday, March 30, 2008

Opening Line

Okay, so I couldn't get over that opening line, I was going to stop posting and wait for you to catch up, but I can't I'm on like an English over load today!

Okay so anyway, this is the last one for tongiht *i didn't make the 30 marker, but I'll live, I don't want to cram on my reader* So I promise to not make this one too lengthy at all.

Here is the first line of the story: "The story had held us, round the fire, sufficiently breathless, but except the obvious remark it was gruesome, as, on Christmas Eve in an old house, a strange tale should essentially be. I remember no comment uttered till someone happened to say that it was the only case he had mention which such a visitation had fallen on a child." (1)

Being honest, I have NO idea what the subject of this sentence is, it might be about the story "the turn of the screw" one with the governess, or it could be one that had been delivered earlier on, no idea. However, not the point. I mean his style is crazy amazing!I mean after listening to Ms. clapp the other day on overuse of commas, i was like dang look at them all, but they work! all of them! But getting down to some actual business. His syntax is kind of flippy and it doesn't make sense to me at all, but i think its very flowy and pretty. His descriptions like "sufficiently breathless" and "gruesome" and "should essentially be." are very vivid for a reader, the create an image of a creepy haunted house, and even in the first line I feel tensed up and ready for something to jump out at me.

The Scene is set, "Christmas eve in an old house" and a big group of people can be inferred to be there, and the are around a fire all listening to each other talk. The scene is strangely chilling, and yet comforting. They are among friends and yet they are also "breathless" clearly startled into silence. As a reader, I don't even know what is going on, but I'm just as tense and jumpy as they seem to be.


cristinan said...

Haha. don't worry Gen, I didn't make the 30 mark either. Sorry I haven't been keeping up but anyhoo, yeah no idea what that first line could possibly entail. However I havwe to agree with your opinion of the scene where they are all among their friends; its creepy yet comfortable at the same time. It kind of reminds me of say a campfire scene in the middle of the woods and you're around all your friends and suddenly you hear a creepy noise. You think it's one of your friends playing around but then again... is it?

Can't wait to here more!

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